What is Group Planning Test at ISSB and How it is Conducted
- Group Planning is first of the GTO Exercise is Conducted and, therefore, sets the tone for the GTO tests.
- In this test, the candidates are shown a model / on screen showing some information.
- The provided information are a story with some problems to manage.
- The candidates are asked to prepare and write individual plan to resolve the situation. The candidates are provided with paper and pen to write answer their plan.
- After the candidates have submitted their written plan, the are asked to discuss the plan within themselves and evolve an group plan.
- One of the candidates is then nominated by the GTO to present the plan.
- Listen to the GTO carefully.
- Clarify doubts from the GTO before writing
- Note, the basic parts of your written plan can be:-
- What is to be accomplished - it can be named as Mission or Task or Goal.
- What are the help material / resources
- What arelikely/ expected problems.
- How we are going to conduct / execute the assigned task (stages / phases / steps)
- What sub-groups will be made (sub-groups: commander and task of each).