In some situations certain candidates cannot attend ISSB due to some other pressing commitments. e.g. the test dates mentioned in your call letter coincide with your other examinations of some other institutions. In all such cases, the concerned candidate can approach ISSB Kohat as under:
ISSB always tell candidates to immediately inform ISSB of such possibilities by writing an application to ISSB to ISSB Kohat by post (urgent courier) for an adjustment which in most of the cases is made. Also send us copy of your examination schedule (due to which you cannot attend ISSB) as a proof. Please remember that ISSB is not bound to call you again. Re-call is only issued when it is clearly established that your reason for not appearing was based on solid grounds.
Sample Letter:
Auth: Download Recall Letter ==> ... l-Form.pdf
GSO-2 (Selection)
ISSB call letter number ______________ received on ______________ ref.
It is stated that I am a candidate for ISSB tests and my details are as fol:
NIC No: ___________________________________________________
Name: _____________________________________________________
Father Name: ______________________________________________
Course Applied for: ________________________________________
Registration Number(full):___________________________________
Selection Centre Name: ____________________________________
I was called to ISSB _____________ from __________ To ___________
I am unable to report on due date because of following reason: (be brief) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please call me after____________________________ (give date)
[Please attach a proof of your reason for absence i.e. Date sheet of your exam etc, please remember that ISSB is not obliged to issue you a second call but we will process your case upon receipt of written application]
From: _______________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone no: ___________________________ email: _________________________
-: For Office Use at ISSB only :-
Cannot Attend ISSB, Recall Request
Re: Cannot Attend ISSB, Recall Request
If some major reason like as sister marriage on this date
Last edited by Robina on 22 Dec 2024, 11:08, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Cannot Attend ISSB, Recall Request
Thats what is precisely suggested in the post. If a candidate cannot attend ISSB due to some pressing need, he / she shall apply for shifting his schedule as advised in this post.
Patience is a virtue
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